Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blog Post #10 Identity/Self

My roles during an average week include, but are not limited to:
Leader of a design team
Church goer
Cousin- my extended family is all out of state, so I spend a considerable amount of time trying to engage in conversation with them to keep current.  I am one of 20 cousins, so it stays busy!
Personal assistant

While it is necessary to shift from one role to another (I wouldn't behave the same in my role as a leader as I would in my role as a daughter), I am consistent in each one.  It's a goal of mine to offer stability and consistency to the people in my life and on my team.  In the past, I have found it very unsettling to be friends with inconsistent people, so I make concerted efforts in making myself stable.  While not always easy, the work is worthwhile because other people can be at ease when they are with me.

Technology plays a massive part in many of the identities that I assume.  Without my phone and the internet, I wouldn't be able to talk to my cousins or my dad, who live in the Boston area.  Additionally, without the internet, being a diligent student, personal assistant and designer would be infinitely more difficult.  In all honesty, I hardly remember a time without the internet, aside from a vague memory of coloring in my mom's encyclopedias. My life is framed by the expanse of technology.

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